Smart Living with Grit and Grace Podcast co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Bender, who say, “Life lived, lessons learned, wisdom gained. We may not know everything, but we’ve learned a lot! So, we’re bringing you smart living to help you master this Grit and Grace Life.” Each week sharing 15 minutes chatting about a subject that every woman ponders,

Raising Great Girls is a book by Darlene Brock, written for all the imperfect moms with imperfect daughters. Be Encouraged. Be Inspired. Because perfection is not required; it’s the effort that counts on the road to becoming great moms who are successfully raising great girls. We're thrilled to share a free chapter of Darlene's new book, Raising Great Girls, with you! offers articles for strong women and those who want to be. Smart Living in Small Bites from hurt to healing, guidebooks from one who has been there. Believing this, “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better.” Ecc 4:12. Women standing alongside other women.

Take a peek into Raising Great Girls with this free chapter!

Time Manager: Ways to determine the activities in your girl's life while keeping your sanity.


How Can You Raise Great Girls?

An exclusive Interview with Darlene, and her two daughters, Loren and Chelsea.


Women have changed the world, most of us will never be found in the annals of history, but we will have an impact - in our families, our community, - we can change our world.
— Darlene Brock