Raising Great Girls Was My Most Important Job

Hindsight: the ability to understand a situation only after it has happened.

While this is true of all things, I have found it especially true when looking back at the season that I raised two daughters while working, traveling, and juggling life. That task was both the most incredible and challenging job of the many I held. The idea to write this book came from me reflecting on the years of my girls growing up and listening to other moms experience the same fears and frustrations today that I did back then.

A new purpose was formed in my heart to offer moms some insight on how to master all of the jobs that are a part of raising girls in this crazy world. If you follow The Grit and Grace Project, you know that we believe a woman’s beauty is found in her strength. I also know that strength begins at a very early age. As mothers, we have the opportunity to instill in our daughters the knowledge that this quality is within them. It’s my goal to help mothers know how to do that in this book, Raising Great Girls.

I have not written the guide to raise a perfect daughter. Neither am I offering a no-fail blueprint to becoming a perfect mom. Perfect mothers and daughters don’t exist, and that’s ok because the goal is to raise some pretty great ones. If you want to be one of those moms, I think this book is for you,

As we announce the release of this new book, I want to share my excitement. I hope I encourage you. When you invest in your daughter and she becomes a confident and capable girl, even when she steps into worlds she shouldn’t, she will find her way back. She will have what she needs within her to take the strength you’ve nurtured and master this thing called life.