A Woman of Grit Without a Hard Heart
/The ability to push through, face hardships, and confront challenges requires a quality we refer to as grit. We’re not talking about the irritating piece of something that gets in your eye or the type that is on sandpaper to wear down or smooth out a piece of wood. Grit is courage, fortitude, and determination.
How do we take on life challenges without hardening the heart? How can one master what’s ahead without becoming that difficult, worn-down kind of person? Therein lies the battle.
Here are five things you should never forget when life requires grit:
1. Grit does not mean aggression. The strongest ladies possess quiet, confident strength—picking up the gloves only when necessary.
2. Move forward. Proceed with calm thoughtfulness, never quick reactions. Think first.
3. Never give up! You may have to regroup, come up with a new game plan, or step back when you’re weary. Just don’t quit.
4. Believe. Know there is always hope for the future. There is, even if the road is difficult and it takes a long time to get there.
5. Let love lead. Every action and every step should be taken with a heart of compassion.
Grit is a quality of compassion, a needed trait that’s not just for you, but for others in your life as well. So embrace it, use it, and life will become much more doable.